The Lessons of Survival, Inna Rogatchi’s well-known documentary about her friendly, intimate conversations with legendary Simon Wiesenthal will be shown at the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute ( VWI) program of the Institute’s participation at the Vienna and Austria annual mega cultural event, The Long Night of Museums, on October 2nd, 2021.
The documentary which was successfully shown global-wise, was filmed in Vienna, at Simon Wiesenthal’s residence and his office of the Jewish Documentation Centre, as well as in Mauthausen concentration camp, in Linz, and the other related places in Austria.
The film is different from many documentaries about the legendary Nazi-hunter in the way that Inna and Simon were close friends for many years, and the film reflects the intimacy and openness of their conversations on the most dramatic moments and tragic events prior, during and after the Second World War and the Holocaust. It is a special human document, rare in its openness and sincerity of its main protagonist Simon Wiesenthal, the one of the most crucial international figures in the post-Holocaust.
Additionally to the special qualities of ‘an open heart’ testimony of a monumental personality, the film is important due to its artistic features: special music by the Israeli composer Israel Sharon performed by Karizma Ensemble, and powerful unique art created by Michael Rogatchi whose works were deeply appreciated and loved by Simon Wiesenthal.
The combination of those unique human and artistic monologues has created the film which speaks from a very close distance and straight to the feelings of the viewers. The film’s concept and way of communication with its viewers is to leave each person alone with the unique monologues of Simon Wisenthal, added by the musical and artistic ‘solos’ of Israel Sharon and Michael Rogatchi accompanying the Simon Wiesenthal’s narrative in their own powerful and unique way.
Simon Wiesenthal in his study in Vienna with Michael Rogatchi’s portfolio of his works dedicated to the Shoah. The painting in question, Unforgiveness ( 1996) belongs today to the Permanent Art Collection of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Israel. Photo © Inna Rogatchi. Courtesy: The Rogatchi Archive.
More about the film can be read here –
Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies ( VWI) is very natural place for screening the film in the capital of Austria where Simon Wiesenthal lived and worked for many decades after the end of the Second World War.
Simon Wiesenthal in his study in Vienna during one of many conversations with Inna Rogatchi. 1990s. Photo © Michael Rogatchi. Courtesy © The Rogatchi Archive.
The screening of The Lessons of Survival film by Inna Rogatchi at the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute can be seen in the VWI program here :—–museum-simon-wiesenthal
Inna Rogatchi next to the Simon Wiesenthal working desk from Vienna which Inna knows very well. Simon Wiesenthal’s family has bestowed this special artifact to the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Memorial Centre Chicago. 2015. Photo © Lilian Gerster. Courtesy © The Rogatchi Archive.
Lang Nacht der Museen, the Long Night of Museums is an annual mega cultural event in Vienna and Austria. It is characterised not only by the fact that many great museums of the Austrian capital and all over the country would stay open at unusual late hours, but the fact that the museums comes with special programs, specially created events, showing rare artifact or organising special experience for the audience which is huge for the annual celebration of culture. In Vienna alone, the event traditionally gathers 200 000 people. The previous year 2020 the beloved by the Viennese public Lang Nacht der Museen event was not organised due to the covid pandemic. This year it is expected with enthusiasm although the traditional number of people attending can be smaller because of the restrictions. But still, the cultural festivities of the Long Night of Museums are back to Vienna and Austria this year, and the public is invited to wonderful museums of Vienna and the country on Saturday night of October 2nd, 2021.
The timing of the screening of Inna Rogatchi’s film about Simon Wiesenthal The Lessons of Survival ( in English) would be at 9.30 pm Viennese time at the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, at Rabesteig, 3, 1010, Vienna.